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Home  /  Allgemein   /  SonicWall   /  Dringend – Sonicwall Global Management Service (GMS): Product Security Notice: Critical SQL injection vulnerability

Dringend – Sonicwall Global Management Service (GMS): Product Security Notice: Critical SQL injection vulnerability

Sehr geehrte Kunden,

Das SonicWall Product Security & Incident Response Team (PSIRT) hat drei Schwachstellen verifiziert und gepatcht.
Betroffene Produkte: Global Management Service (GMS)

Betroffene Versionen: GMS 9.3.1-SP2-Hotfix-1 and earlier

Fixed Version(s): GMS 9.3.1-SP2-Hotfix-2

CVSS: 9.4 (Critical)

Advisory ID: SNWLID-2022-0007

Hinweis: SonicWall PSIRT is not aware of active exploitation against these vulnerabilities in the wild.

Hier geht es zum Suppprt Advisory

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